Median Watch

Eyes on statistics

A publication’s “what” should count more than it’s “where”: why we should waive journal titles

Reproduced from the DORA blog blog. The winter months can get cold in Belfast, the largest city in Northern Ireland where the Titanic was designed, built and launched in the early 1900s. Not seriously cold of course, never sub-zero depths of cold that were the undoing of the Titanic on its maiden voyage, but a ‘nippy’ cold… a cold that comes with biting winds and rain that means only the bravest of souls venture outside in the winter months without the insurance policy of a good coat.

Randomisation can resolve the uncertainty at the heart of peer review

Reproduced from the LSE impact blog. Here’s their introduction: Peer review decisions are definitive, and depending on the style of peer review practiced at a journal, reviewers can usually make one of three recommendations: accept, reject, revise and resubmit. Discussing a new study into the levels of certainty reviewers have making these choices, Adrian Barnett suggests how embracing this doubt could improve peer review processes. Easy peer review Occasionally I find peer review easy.